Your donation today,
will support in the following ways tomorrow:
Sponsor an indigenous ranger to participate in the Bolivian premiere of Tigre Gente, and join the conversation to share what they need in order to do their job to prevent illegal jaguar trade in Bolivia.
Sponsor an underserved indigenous youth to watch Tigre Gente screening and join the conversation on stopping the illegal jaguar trade.
Indigenous conservation documentation and restoration in one of the oldest original territories in the Bolivian Amazon through Selva Adentro. We hope to restore a medicinal hut and one medicinal properties of plan book with the elders of the community.
Sponsor workshops to empower young indigenous leaders how to be citizen journalists who are empowered to help combat jaguar trafficking.
Sponor indigenous youth through the communications and media project, Nuestros Rios, Our Rivers, in the amazon tributaries of Bolivia and Chile.